Mastering the Art of Wilderness Fish Cleaning: A Survivalist's Guide

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Family Survival  #26


June 26, 2023


Mastering the Art of Fish Cleaning

Mastering the Art of Fish Cleaning

In honor of National Catfish day, it's only right to discuss how to properly clean a fish.

In a survivalist's world, knowing how to properly clean a fish after catching it is a vital skill. Whether you find yourself in the wild or facing a survival situation, being able to prepare and utilize your catch can provide essential sustenance. We will dive into the art of cleaning a fish in the wilderness…..


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Watch CampChef Stove In Action

CampChef is the world's most compact stove, which when folded is just 3.5" tall x 3.5" wide and fits into your backpack with ease, but when fully expanded can heat up a pot with a cooking surface of up to 10" diameter.

CampChef Portable Stove

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Family Survival Mission Statement

Empowering individuals and families through education in survival, preparedness, and informed citizenship, fostering resilience, self-reliance, and a stronger community equipped to handle any challenge that may come your way. 

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