Stay Safe by Raising Your Level of Awareness

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Hey ,


During times of emergency, you can either choose to be proactive or reactive. The difference is that by being proactive, you are more in control of the situation. If you're reactive like most people, your awareness level is low.

 Sudden acts of violence that seem to spring out of nowhere can take you by surprise because you're unaware of what is going on around you. There are thousands of people who have been victims of thefts, rape, robberies and murders – all because they weren't aware of their surroundings. 

All preppers should remember this mantra – if you're not looking for it, you won't see it coming!

Read more about it here



Family Survival


Ps:  Did you know there's a new security cam that rotates 360°, records in HD, and doesn't require wires, batteries, or monthly cloud storage fees? And installs in seconds!

Click here to claim a discounted Light Socket Security Camera (if it's still available) >>


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