4 Americans Kidnapped In Mexico

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(FamilyConservationPAC.com) – According to American and Mexican law authorities, two of the four Americans kidnapped in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, were slain by a Gulf Cartel cell.

According to reports, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) are collaborating with Mexican officials to find the missing people.

Authorities in the area have verified who the criminal underboss is. José Alberto Garcia Vilano is the current operational head of the Gulf Cartel in Matamoros. It is often referred to as "La Kena or Ciclon 19" in the criminal underground.

According to federal law enforcement officials in Mexico, La Kena has armed guards patrolling the whole city, and they fired shots at the four Americans.

The law enforcement source claimed that La Kena or a member of his inner circle would ultimately have to issue the order to kidnap them.

According to a previous Breitbart Texas story, La Kena was reportedly demoted from a boss in 2021 but has since rebounded.

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The same "bodily autonomy" justification that pro-abortion advocates use to persuade Democratic politicians to support legislation is used by activists who want more states to legalize assisted suicide for terminally sick patients.

The Washington Post refers to these activists as "aid-in-dying advocates." They argue that if lawmakers support a woman's "right" to control her own body in terms of pregnancy, then "the same logic should apply to a terminally ill patient's right to end his or her own suffering," according to the Tuesday Post report.

An 83-year-old activist participating in a demonstration outside the Maryland Senate office building with three companions remarked, "It's a choice issue. My body, my life, my demise, and my decision.

Activists in Maryland are concentrating on state legislators who supported abortion rights expansion in 2018 but opposed a bill that would have authorized medical professionals to give terminally sick patients a fatal dose of medication in 2019.



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