Own This 12.5" Beast of a Knife for FREE

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Dear Freedom Loving Patriot:

I just received into my warehouse a BRAND NEW product. It's our new "Commando" knife -- based on the original Vietnam SOG blade designed for covert operators.

Commando [Photo]

This is one big beast -- over 12-1/2 inches long.

Best Part: Because I'd like your feedback on this, I will now give you one... for FREE!

Commando in hand [Photo]

>> Claim yours HERE! <<

Okay, why am I giving away a $100 knife? Well, in case you're not familiar with how this works...

...I have a small list of guys -- specifically American men (and a few women) who like their gadgets -- that I target to test out my new products.

YOU fit the profile. You are on that "hotlist". Which means you simply get treated better than everyone else.

All I ask is for some feedback, (and even that's not required).

>> Yes! I want one! <<

But this is a limited test with just 200 Commandos to go around.

For a safe life...

[Bob Pierce Signature]

Bob Pierce
President, FightFast/TRS

P.S. Again, (and I can't stress this enough), this is for Hotlist members only. If you've personally received this email invite from me, that's YOU.

However, if your buddy forwarded this email or something like that, sorry, you're not on the list and you won't be allowed to get one of these for free. (But it will be on my main website soon for just $100 -- a darn good price for this badass knife.)

P.P.S. With only 200 to go around, this promotional giveaway could disappear at any time!

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