Introducing... the "Outlaw Claw" spring-assist knife (74%⚡️OFF)

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Check it out :

I am running a Blowout Sale on the No.1 NASTIEST knife in world history.


The Karambit has been in use for almost 10,000 years according to historians...

But we made a few improvements on this bad boy:

  • Perfect carry weight
  • Deep ride pocket clip
  • Fast spring-assist opening

In fact, it is so radical we named it The Outlaw Claw.

And right now you can get this bad boy for 74% OFF with free shipping while supplies last.

This knife is super concealable, user friendly, and it gives you an unfair advantage over your adversary, which is exactly what you need in a pinch.

That is because it allows you to utilize a Punch and Slash technique.

And the finger loop means it is almost impossible to disarm you.

Get your Outlaw Claw right here (74% OFF + Free S&H)

~Firearms Yourelay

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