Chinese Monks Drink This To Fix Blood Sugar

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One Food That Boosts Muscle Growth and Drops Blood Sugar Naturally...
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"Upgrade Your Gear, Not Your Budget"

January 28th, 2025


If you take metformin and have been feeling weaker, along with having lower energy levels…

It's because metformin can block the body from repairing and growing new muscle… leading to what scientists call – "muscle wasting."

And since folks over 40 will start to lose a few pounds of muscle due to aging every year…

By taking metformin… you could be accelerating this "muscle wasting" process. Leaving your joints and body vulnerable to injuries and accidents.

If that's been happening to you…

Eat this for breakfast if you take metformin: Drop blood sugar and build muscle after 40.

Now again… taking metformin will accelerate this "muscle wasting process" and break your body down faster than normal.

And if you think working out or exercising can help rebuild muscle and strength… WRONG!

Working out on metformin may actually cause even more muscle loss… since the body will not have the sugar to fuel it for growth or repairs.

However, scientists discovered that by consuming this one food for breakfast can help with muscle growth and repair while dropping blood sugar by up to 24%.

Do this as soon as you wake up: One Food That Boosts Muscle Growth and Drops Blood Sugar Naturally.

Delivering hope and healing,

Joe Barton

P.S. Metformin is actually an archaic way to drop blood sugar, and it comes with a hefty price to your health.

That's because it activates an enzyme that blocks sugar from being absorbed…

And since your muscles depend on sugar for fuel and growth…

The body doesn't get enough glucose with metformin… and many people experience muscle loss, weakness, and even bones becoming more fragile.

That's why so many folks on metformin also have joint pain!

And with less muscle, our fat burning metabolism slows down, leading to even more unstable blood sugar levels.

That's why so many folks on metformin end up packing on pounds and pounds of belly fat. All while their blood sugar goes even further out of control.

That's why so many folks are looking for a natural and alternative way to beat high blood sugar for good.

So what I've done is asked my clients with the most severe cases of type 2 diabetes to start using this "ancient golden spice" daily with their breakfast.

And when they did, in addition to a simple type 2 protocol, most of them found their blood glucose level in check within weeks…

And started regaining their strength and energy levels!

And the best part?

They tell me that they're finally able to eat carbs, rice, and sweets occasionally... without feeling guilty, worried, or foggy...

AND they are able to keep their blood sugar low.

=> Watch Now: What drops blood sugar faster? Metformin vs. Ancient Spice (24% Drop!)


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