Buccaneer Combat Machete Beast... Complimentary For You

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Convenient And Surprisingly Comfortable To Carry...

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Dear Freedom Loving Patriot:

You're gonna like this.

We've got an awesome NEW product -- a badass cutlass -- that's 20-inches of mind-blowing HACKING power!



As a Family Protection Association member, you can now have this baby for FREE! Really!

>> Get it FREE! <<

Based on the classic 1917 U.S. Navy Cutlass (with a few modern improvements) this beauty delivers more devastating chopping power than an ax… and is PROVEN in actual bloody combat!

The "Buccaneer" may look like something straight out of a pirate movie, but this baby is a  deadly serious close-quarters weapon and deep woods survival tool that actually outperforms most any machete or sword!

The Buccaneer Cutlass normally retails for $90, but 200 hotlist guys (that includes YOU) can now have one FREE. (I only ask for a little feedback. Your choice. It's not required, but I hope you can help me out here).

>> Your Free Cutlass HERE! <<

Even comes with an awesome quick-draw hard-shell sheath.

For a safe life...

[Bob Pierce Signature]
Bob Pierce
President, FightFast/TRS

P.S. You just gotta hurry. There are simply not that many to go around as part of this promotional market test.



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