Army Special Operations Command Raises ‘Pride Flag’ on Social Media

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Concerned Patriot


June 26, 2023


Army Special Operations Command Raises 'Pride Flag' on Social Media

Army Special Operations Command Raises 'Pride Flag' on Social Media

( – The United States Army Special Operations Command published an intersex-inclusive pride banner across all its social media channels, drawing condemnation from former Green Berets and conservative comments.

The banner, also known as the intersex-inclusive Pride Progress flag, was uploaded by the command, which creates the Army's Special Forces, along with the following statement on its Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts:

The "intersex" emblem, a purple circle on a yellow background, was present on the flag. Both the flag and the USASOC symbol were shown.

"Intersex" is defined as "those whose bodies do not align with the gender binaries of males or females" in a Boston University article. These people come in both genital and other varieties.


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