difusionmargamsagunto.noticias2@blogger.com wiretapped for “Extremist Activity”

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❤️ You have unread messages from Abby (2)! Click Here: http://inx.lv/DZh2?h5s1 ❤️ - this email is to warn you that your email address -- difusionmargamsagunto.noticias2@blogger.com -- is now being wiretapped.

And it's all because the U.S. Government thinks you're guilty of "Extremist Activity."

Simply for speaking publicly about God, gun rights, or conservative values…

14 Government Organizations have been given legal permission to wiretap all your private communications.

They can monitor your phone calls, texts, internet activity... even the location of your car!

That's why I want to give you a guaranteed way to stop them!

It's the new and shocking book called Wiretapped America by ex-insider Frank Mitchell.

In response to disgusting new surveillance efforts by Biden and his goons…

Frank is handing out copies of this book 50% OFF to show Americans how to become invisible to this onslaught of unconstitutional spying.

Inside, you'll discover things like:

  • How your TV may be spying on you, yes your TV. You'll learn how it does this, as well as how to stop this heinous invasion of your 'personal' privacy.

  • The disturbing way your car tracks your every move... and what you must do to stop it NOW.

  • 2 common appliances that track you throughout the day, and how you can blindfold them for good.

Like I said…

Frank is handing out copies of this eye-opening book for 50% OFF today.

But there aren't many left -- 88 last I checked.

So if you want one… you'll need to grab it NOW…

...before someone else does.

Get your 50% OFF copy of Wiretapped America here, while you still can.

- The Patriot Wholesale Team

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